Farm Auto
Farm vehicles come in every size and do everything imaginable. You may need a lot more than just an insurance policy. You may need Preferred Farm Services.
Farm Trucking
If it moves from a farm, to a farm or is agri-business related, there are carriers that will insure it for far less than most general trucking companies. There are also a lot of things about trucking that many farmers have never dealt with before
Farm Trucking
- If it moves from a farm, to a farm or is agri-business related, there are carriers that will insure it for far less than most general trucking companies. There are also a lot of things about trucking that many farmers have never dealt with before.
- You have 10 semi tractor trailers, hauling chickens you don’t own, or chicken manure, across multiple states.
What happens if you lose that load in a windstorm?
Can you be held liable if you haul diseased birds?
Would you pass a DOT inspection?
There’s an accident and manure spills into a creek.
Or it just rains and it runs into a creek, but fish are dying.
Farm Utility Vehicles
From electric bicycles to a customized Harley Davidson Low Rider and everything in between. Ride with confidence around the block or across the country.
Farm Utility Vehicles
You have an ATV you only use on the farm…but just once you take it on the road.
A car swerves to miss you and rolls. Care Flight soon arrives.
Are you covered on the road? Do you have enough coverage?
Farm Personal Vehicles
Jetski, Ski Nautique, Pontoons and Cabin Cruisers. Whether fishing in a creek or enjoying Lake Erie, Preferred Insurance has the plan for you.
Farm Personal Vehicles
Your daughter is away at college with your vehicle and has a bad accident
She’s OK, but her friends aren’t.
When their medical insurance company sues, is the farm at risk?
How Preferred Insurance Can Help?

Common Problems
- Farm insurance can be complex & expensive.
- You want to feed the world, not do paperwork.
- Your farm has changed, has your insurance?

Preferred Solutions
Save Time – Quickly see if you’re protection is good.
- Risk Management – Much More Than Just A Quote
Market your insurance with world class companies.